Site And Treasure Hunt Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Welcome to the Namaqualand Treasure Hunt. This treasure hunt is designed to foster a sense of community among treasure hunt participants.

At the Q & A Forum you can engage, connect, and share your enthusiasm for the hunt.

We encourage your active participation, but please abide by the following rules to ensure a respectful and enjoyable experience for all members.

These rules are enforced by the administrators of this project, site, and forum. Your cooperation in following these rules is crucial to maintaining a harmonious community.

Rule One:

No Clue or Riddle Spoilers

Breaking this rule will result in severe consequences. You are strictly prohibited from posting answers to clues or solutions to riddles in this forum or on any other online platform, including social media. Asking for or providing answers or solutions is not allowed. Violators will be immediately banned from the treasure hunt.

Rule Two:

Respect and Civility

Our forum is a place of camaraderie, not conflict. Everyone has the right to use this space without fear of harassment, bullying, or threats of violence. Communities and users that incite violence or promote hate will be permanently banned.

Rule Three:

Privacy Matters

Respect the privacy of your fellow treasure hunters. Do not engage in harassment, such as disclosing personal or confidential information.

Rule Four:

Authenticity is Key

While you’re not required to use your real name, please refrain from impersonating others in a misleading or deceptive manner.

Rule Five:

Stay Legal

Do not post illegal content or engage in solicitation or facilitation of illegal activities or prohibited transactions.

Rule Six:

No Spam, Please

Please respect the community by refraining from spamming or posting irrelevant content.


We are committed to enforcing these rules to ensure a positive and respectful environment for all members.

Enforcement methods include but are not limited to:

  • Friendly reminders to adhere to the rules.
  • Stronger warnings if necessary.
  • Temporary or permanent suspension of accounts.
  • Privilege removal or account restrictions.
  • Immediate and permanent bans.
  • Content removal.

Remember, the success of our online community depends on collective cooperation and adherence to these shared rules. We kindly ask for your cooperation in making this a welcoming and productive place to engage and contribute.

Thank you for your understanding and commitment to maintaining a respectful and enjoyable atmosphere for everyone.

Best Regards,

Namaqualand Treasure Hunt: Administrators

All Rights Reserved: Copyrights & Trademarks: Company Ownership: Wild Whisperer: 2023