Exciting Developments Unveiled in Namaqualand Treasure Hunt: Expansion and Partnerships on the Horizon

Namaqualand, South Africa – [18 Feb 2024]

Friends of Namaqualand (FoN), a Non-Profit Organisation dedicated to nature conservation in the Namaqualand Sandveld desert region, has announced significant developments in their ongoing treasure hunt project aimed at raising awareness about nature conservation.

The treasure hunt, which involves finding a buried chest containing real treasures such as Gold, Silver, Copper, Diamonds, and more, has captured the interest of participants from around the world. Since its inception, the project has been focused on not only providing an entertaining experience but also fostering a deeper understanding of the rich history and biodiversity of Namaqualand.

Recent negotiations with potential sponsors and partners have yielded promising results, with discussions centered on expanding the reach of the treasure hunt and enhancing the overall experience for participants. While details are still being finalized, FoN is enthusiastic about the potential collaboration and the opportunities it presents for promoting nature conservation on a global scale.

“We are thrilled about the prospect of partnering with like-minded organizations to amplify the impact of our treasure hunt initiative,” said the trustees of Friends of Namaqualand. “By engaging a wider audience and securing additional support, we hope to further our mission of raising awareness about the unique ecological significance of Namaqualand and encouraging active participation in its preservation.”

Participants in the treasure hunt are encouraged to stay tuned for updates regarding the new re-launch of the hunt, which is expected to coincide with potential sponsorship announcements. While the core elements of the treasure hunt will remain unchanged, FoN is committed to ensuring that any enhancements will serve to enrich the experience for all participants.

In addition to the treasure hunt, FoN continues to pursue various nature conservation projects, including the development of the Wild Flower Gardens on Na-Koi-Ja-Ma Island. The organization remains steadfast in its commitment to leveraging innovative approaches to generate funding for conservation efforts and engage a diverse range of stakeholders in its mission.

For more information about the treasure hunt and other initiatives by Friends of Namaqualand, please visit their website at [].


Friends of Namaqualand